Breast Lift

Sagging breasts can be caused by a wide variety of internal and external factors, such as:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Gravity
  • Weight Loss or Dramatic Changes in Weight
  • Volume Loss
  • Involution

In response to this at Sculpt we utilise the breast lift procedure to reshape and contour the overall shape and aesthetics of your breasts for a more youthful and firm look.

We can also use the breast lift to increase the firmness of soft or slightly sagging breasts by removing excess skin, tightening the breast gland or in conjunction with an augmentation to provide volume for those requiring it and particularly to enhance upper pole fullness. Women who would like to raise the position of downturned nipples or to reduce the size of the areolas can also opt to have a breast lift to improve the appearance of their breasts.

What to expect from a breast lift

During the procedure one of our qualified plastic surgeons will shape the breast gland through a carefully placed incision. The location of the incision will be determined by your surgeon and discussed with you prior to treatment. The procedure should take two to four hours and you may go home after the procedure.

What should I experience after a breast lift?

Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication and it is normal to experience bruising and tenderness for the first two to three weeks, this is why we recommend taking at least one week off work. You may also be swollen and experience desensitisation in some parts of the breast after your procedure.


Book a Consultation today to find out if our breast lift procedure is right for you.

Our specialist plastic surgeons will discuss your concerns and expectations as well as the procedure and the costs.

For further information, visit the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons in the link here.

Contact us today to schedule your procedure

To discover more about our breast lift procedure or to book a free consultation at our Perth cosmetic clinic, please do not hesitate to contact us.